Tag Archives: parenting school children

How To Handle Extremely Playful Children!

Many-a-times, your child will ask you: “Can I go and play mama?” And you will be annoyed at the fact that your child just loves to do nothing else but play wonderfully all day. In fact, your child just keeps playing rather than study all day long. Now you are feeling let down and disturb...
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Good Parenting Tip: Handling Examination Stress!

Maintain a calm atmosphere in the house. Let your child relax a few hours in the day. If your child is studying all day long, do not disturb them while they are sleeping or studying. Ask your child to go for a walk or go outside for at least 15-30 minutes after 8-10 hours of […]...
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Helping Your Child Cope Up With School Pressures!

Schooling children are often found to be confused and anxious about dealing school pressures and being good at academics in particular. Apart from studies, there is a pressure to compete with other students in the class. That only doubles the stress, tensions and anxiety within a child. However, if ...
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